The Quick Insight Into Why On-Page SEO Is Important

Are you someone who is looking for on-page SEO tips?
Do you know why on-page SEO is important?
Before getting into a discussion on why on-page Seo is important, let’s discuss what is SEO.
SEO means Search Engine Optimization. In simple words, it is the process of making your website visible when people are searching for any information, products, or services.

If you are not meeting your visitors’ needs, it doesn’t matter how optimized your site is.”-Stoney Degeyter

Yes! To attract more visitors to your website, you have to create high-quality informative content.
In order that google should recommend your content, you need to focus mainly on providing solutions to the problems faced by people in their day-to-day life.
Once your content is ready, then you can optimize your content.
There are basically three different kinds of SEO namely, On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, and Technical SEO.
Among these three, On-page SEO is the most important one, which enables Google to identify your content and recommend it to the end-users.
But do you know why on-page SEO is more important than off-page and technical SEO?
It is because of the fact that on-page SEO takes into account the various attributes of your web pages that enhance the visibility of your content on the search engine.
In this article, we will discuss what is on-page SEO, why on-page SEO is important, what are the benefits of on-page SEO, how to do on-page SEO, etc.
First Let’s learn,

What is on-page SEO?

why on-page SEO is important
what is on-page SEO
how to do on-page SEO

On-page SEO is the process in which you have to optimize your web pages to improve visibility, drive organic traffic, and improve the ranking of your website.
On-page SEO is also called On-site SEO
It mainly focuses on optimizing parts of your web pages from within and hence on-page SEO is under your control.
On-page SEO includes various elements such as,

  • Keyword research
  • Title tags
  • Meta description
  • Header Tags
  • URL
  • Images
  • Content

Before looking into the various elements of on-page SEO in detail, Let us understand why on-page SEO is important and the benefits of on-page SEO.

Why on-page SEO is important?

On-page SEO enables the search engines to analyze your web pages and the content you have created.
If your content is relevant to the user query, search engines will recommend your content to the readers.
Search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc., will constantly update their search engine algorithm to provide an extraordinary user experience.
In order to cope with those search engines, and to get more visibility and traffic to your website, On-page SEO is of vital importance.

The top 10 benefits of on-page SEO:

  1. On-page SEO techniques enable your web pages to appear with a higher ranking on the Search Engine Results Page(SERP).
  2. On-page SEO techniques implemented in an appropriate manner help the search engines to better understand your content in context to the users’ query.
  3. On-page SEO techniques help businesses to get improved local searches. This in turn results in bringing more leads and sales to local companies.
  4. On-page SEO techniques help bring in more traffic organically to your website without spending much on advertisements.
  5. On-page SEO techniques enable the long-term visibility that boosts your page value.
  6. On-page SEO techniques yield high-quality organic traffic to your website which in turn helps in converting the readers into potential customers for your business.
  7. On-page SEO techniques are very much easier to manage and control.
  8. On-page SEO techniques help your content to get a higher ranking on Google.
  9. On-page SEO techniques improve your brand value and boost your sales.
  10. On-page SEO techniques improve the click-through rate (CTR).

I hope now you have got a clear picture of what is on-page SEO, why on-page SEO is important, and the top 10 benefits of on-page SEO.
Next, let us learn,

How to do on-page SEO?

As discussed earlier on-page SEO includes various factors. Now Let’s learn which is the most important on-page SEO factor and how to do on-page SEO.
The following are the on-page SEO steps.

benefits of on-page SEO
on-page SEO includes
which is the most important on-page SEO factor

Step1:Keyword Research

Keywords play a crucial role in on-page SEO.
You have to identify a long tail informational keyword in order to provide an extraordinary user experience.
Long-tail keywords are nothing but keywords comprising more than two words.
Once you have finalized your focus keyword, which is the primary keyword with low competition, you have to collect the more relevant keywords.
Try to include them in your content more naturally without stuffing them forcefully into your content.
By doing so, your on-page SEO will help you to improve the visibility of your content.

Step 2: Title Tag

The title tag is the most important factor for on-page SEO. Because the title tag tells the search engine what your page is all about.
The title tag is nothing but the title of your content itself. It has to be limited to 50 characters or 580 pixels.
Always include your focus or primary keyword in your title tag. Doing so will increase the click-through rate (CTR).

Step3: Meta Description

A meta description is a brief description of what your page is all about. Meta description has to be less than 160 characters.
Always include your focus keyword in your meta description.
This in turn will greatly influence the CTR.

Step 3: URL

URL means Uniform Resource Locator and it is typically the address of a particular web page.
Keep your URL short and sweet. Avoid using stop words like a the, of, etc.
Try including your primary keyword naturally in the URL.
Next comes the most important on-page SEO factor, the header tags.

Step 4: Header Tags

Header tags help in identifying the heading and subheadings of a web page.
It will create a hierarchy of information making it easy to scan through the content for both users and crawlers.
Always keep in mind to use only one H1 tag per page. Use also your focus keyword in H1.Use the relevant keywords in H2-H3.

Step 5: Images

Images of higher resolution and size will slow down your page loading speed.
So try to choose the appropriate file format and compress the image as much as possible without compromising its clarity.
The filename of your image has to be the relevant and descriptive keyword. Use alt text for images so that the search engines can identifyWhat your image is all about.

Step 6: Content

Content is more crucial for on-page SEO. Here are a few tips on writing high-quality content for improving on-page SEO.

  • Always focus on using longtail keywords with low competition.
  • Use simple language and keep your paragraphs short.
  • Add images after every 150-200 words to engage your readers.
  • Always provide informative content to solve their problems.
  • Provide internal links to improve the reader’s experience

Once you have done all these on-page SEO steps, use a plugin like rank math or Yoast SEO to check your on-page SEO score.

This on-page SEO score is the indication of how well your webpage is optimized. If your on-page SEO is 80% or more, it is understood that your page is well-optimized.

If it is less than 80%, it needs to be improved.

Let’s quickly recap the on-page SEO steps.

In simple words, an ultimate checklist for on-page SEO.

On-page SEO checklist:

on-page SEO techniques
on-page SEO steps
on-page SEO checklist

This on-page SEO checklist is an ultimate on-page SEO tip for beginners and the complete on-page SEO steps.

  • To locate the best keywords, do in-depth keyword research.
  • Choose one main keyword for your article.
  • Select three to five keywords that are related to your article.
  • Make a content strategy for your chosen keyword.
  • Include the primary keyword in the title.
  • Use an H1 tag for the title.
  • Write a long form of content with more than 1000 words.
  • Create unique content.
  • To get a keyword density of 2-3%, including the primary keyword.
  • At least once in the body copy, use each relevant keyword.
  • At least one subheading should contain the primary keyword.
  • At least one image should be included.
  • In the image file name, include the primary keyword.
  • In the image title, include the primary keyword.
  • Include the primary keyword in the image title.
  • Create a URL that is SEO-friendly and incorporates the primary keyword.
  • Create a meta title that is SEO-friendly.
  • Include a meta description that is optimized for search.
  • Make sure your content is error-free.


On-page SEO is one of the important techniques to improve the ranking and visibility of your content. It greatly influences your organic traffic and helps you in brand building and creating awareness.
It is not a one-time process, but it’s a long-term process. If you want to improve your ranking, you need to optimize your content using the above on-page SEO checklist and wait for the results patiently.
Moreover, you have to create content consistently to reap the benefits of on-page SEO.

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